TexHealth is currently enrolling new groups into the Premium Assistance program. Please contact Jim Rodriguez at 512-524-2618 or email jrodriguez@texhealthct.org for more information

Support TexHealth with Amazon Smile!

Do you shop online with Amazon? Did you know you can easily support charitable organizations like TexHealth just by switching to AmazonSmile?


AmazonSmile is operated by Amazon.Your shopping experience stays the same with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase of eligible items to TexHealth with no extra charge to you. It's an easy, no-hassle way to support TexHealth. Don't forget to bookmark the link AmazonSmile/TexHealth to your favorite browser and support us everytime you shop on Amazon. We most certainly appreciate it.

Giving Assistant

Giving Assistant's mission is to transform everyday shopping into charitable action. We are a Certified B Corp and shopping rewards platform that makes it easy for shoppers to both save money and give back for free.Giving Assistant shoppers save money with cash back and coupon codes at over 3,000 online brands. Then, they have the option to donate a portion of their cash back earnings to any one of 1.2 million 501(c)3 nonprofit and charitable organizations in the U.S.




I'm sure everyone has heard about the hacking of Experian and others. It seems every week we hear that someone else has been hacked and these hackers will financially ruin you if you are unlucky enough to be one of those hacked.


That's where LifeLock comes in. They are the best in the industry and will help protect you from these hackers. You can offer it as a benefit too. Employees who want to enroll can have the low monthly amount taken from their paychecks so it is painless and employees can feel protected. This is a great benefit for employees that doesn't cost the employer anything other than set up the payroll deductions and cutting a check. I have personally used them for several years and I highly recommend them. For more information, please contact Jim at 512-524-2618 or jrodriguez@texhealthct.org.

Survey Hero

Survey Hero lets you create online surveys with ease. Simply choose the type of question you want to ask, drag it over into your survey, modify it the way you want, et voilà - that's your questionnaire done!


It is also very easy to create your online survey in multiple languages. There is a variety of different question types to build your online questionnaire. Use open or closed questions, multiple-choice grids/tables, forms and more. Add as many questions as you want - there is no limit!


We are creating online surveys for free with the support from SurveyHero.com


GoodRx gathers prices for more than 70,000 pharmacies across the U.S. to bring you up-to-date information about what drugs cost and how you can save. Since its inception in 2011, GoodRx helped people save more than $9 billion in prescription drug expenses. More than 10 million Americans trust GoodRx to help them find better information and prices every month. 

GoodRx gathers current prices and discounts to help you find the lowest cost pharmacy for your prescriptions. The average GoodRx customer saves $276 a year on their prescriptions. GoodRx is 100% free and easy. Just type in your drug's name and zipcode in the search field, and click the “Go” button.

We’ll even help you spell the name of your prescription.  No personal information required. Try it now

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